Tuesday 14 August 2018


Crypto currencies are digital assets used as a method of payment for exchange of goods and services using a block chain technology.

Crypto market is a platform where buyers and sellers of crypto currencies exchange either Fiat for crypto currency or crypto currency for another. Basically it is a market where crypto currency can be acquired.

Financial market is a market where shares, bonds, security and money (Fiat) are bought and sold. This also offers financial services investment, insurance and so on.


Crypto currencies since its invention have come to be accepted as a means of payment for goods and services and in carrying out other transaction services, which of course Fiat money is meant for.

One of the reasons the use of crypto currencies gained wide acceptance what as a result of its decentralized nature and blockchain technology that made it accessible to everyone as more persons now try to combine operating in crypto markets alongside the financial market.

This has been difficult because the financial market has not yet come to terms with the intricacies associated with the crypto market, as they both operate under different structures.

This is because the financial market is quite segregation making it difficult for customer to move funds between the financial and crypto market as a result of large costs and time taken to execute transactions.

Instances are seen in structure in which deposit money banks operate as customer time is wasted when executing transactions, from time wasted to deposit, withdrawal to cost associated with transaction fees. As a result the financial market has not been able to work in pari passu with the crypto market.

The crypto market also had its fair share of issues as it was difficult for entry and exist and did not provide a means of understanding the complexities of the market because the market made use of a whole new technology.

This ICO project Ingot, has a mission to establish this connection.
Image result for INGOT ico

What is Ingot?

Ingot is a decentralized platform that adopts blockchain technology in providing a one-stop-shop for both crypto and financial assets, thereby creating a connection between crypto and financial market.


The following problems were attributed for the lack of connection between the financial and crypto market. Some of which include:
  • The crypto and financial market operate segregated from each other as a result of large cost and time wasted in moving funds between the two markets.
  • The financial market operated a centralized structure in contrast to the crypto market which was decentralized in nature making difficult for crypto user to adopt,
  • The intricacies involved in transferring funds from the crypto market are quite difficult. An example is the case of late last year where we experienced declines in crypto prices users were unable to liquidate their assets into other financial assets, thus, making exit difficult.
  • Knowledge about blockchain, smart contacts were not provided for in the crypto market made it difficult to invest in the crypto market.


Drawing from the problems associated with the financial and crypto market, Ingot coin seeks to create a connection between the two markets through the following methods. Some of which are:
  • Ingot coin seeks to integrate six core eco-system components which include; IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC Certifier, Digital bank and IC Accelerator. This will provide a one-stop-shop solution for financial and crypto markets.
  • Ingot coin operates a decentralized platform adopting block chain technology in establishing a link between the crypto and financial market.
  • Ingot coin will provide its own crypto currency that will enable individuals to transact on the platform with little capital. This will create large access to customers.
  • The platform will be able to reduce cost of transactions, save time and ease of access and exit through the adoption of a blockchain technology.


  • ● Token symbol: IC
  • ● Platform: Ethereum
  • ● Type: ERC20
  • ● Pay through: ETH, BTC, XRP, USD
  • ● Starting price: 1 IC = 1 USD
  • ● Soft cap: already collected
  • ● Hard cap: 90.000.000 USD

Final Thought

This platform Ingot coin possesses the technology ranging from blockchain technology with the use smart contracts and integration of its six core eco system components (IC Wallets, Exchange, Brokerage, Certifier, Digital bank, Acceletor) that will create a link between the financial and crypto market.

Ingot is the future of the financial and crypto banks.

● INGOT Coin - https://www.ingotcoin.io/
● Whitepaper - https://www.ingotcoin.io/documents/en/white-paper.pdf
● ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3581009
● Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ICOINGOT/
● Twitter - https://twitter.com/ICOINGOT
● Telegram - https://t.me/INGOTCoin


Username: myicopanda

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